Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 4, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Tips: The 3 Things YOU Should Know By Now!

Body fat can be amazingly stubborn at times, even when you think you're doing all that you can to shed off the extra pounds. Why not try an approach that really works? These are 3 of the weight loss tips you should have memorized and practiced a long time ago, surefire ways to tone your whole body and give you the physique you've always been dreaming of.

1. Be cool

When you feel frazzled and frantic, your stress hormone cortisol, increases production, which in turn leads to excess stomach fat.

In addition, being stressed makes it easier for you to mindlessly snack on junk food and other unhealthy stuff, which do nothing for your worries and only add an extra layer of fat around your body.

2. Get away from the whites!

Staying slim and losing weight quick is often achieved when one stays away from white foods. Foods rich in white starches are believed to make you retain weight and pounds. This is based on the principle that by eliminating starch and high-sugar foods from your diet, you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate.

3. Avoid late-night munchies

It is true that the human body cannot burn calories as efficiently as it can during the day,so the next time you get the cravings for a late-night snack, think twice. Would you really waste your 1 hour or so exhausting cardio workout earlier in that day just for a measly cup of ice cream? 

Finish all your meals at least 3 hours before bedtime, and when you're really hungry and distracting yourself just won't do, try to have a healthy 150 calorie snack of a medium orange or one banana. 

The Skinny

Remember that sometimes, the only one getting in the way of your weight loss success is yourself. Just because you find it hard to lose weight does not mean you won't be losing it ever. Because trust me, it is possible. Learn to start with small changes in your diet that you could gradually incorporate into your everyday living.

With this science-supported, nutritionists-backed multipronged approach to quick weight loss, not only will you notice definite changes in your body, your health will be thanking you as well.

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Fast Diet Tricks: 5 Weight Loss Tips From The Naturally Slim

Recent research shows that the more you pressure yourself to lose weight fast, the bigger your chances are of getting poor results. This comes as no surprise, because for effective weight loss to take place, it's the little, practically effortless changes to daily habits that make you drop the pounds surely and permanently.

It's no wonder how many dieters gain double the weight they lost as soon as they stop their strict diets, because when you restrict a particular food or food group, as in the case of extreme and fad diets, the more your appetite craves for it.

In this case, what we teach you will be simple, scientifically proven tips practiced by naturally slim individuals, in the hope that by incorporating these to your lifestyle, you will in turn become one of these lucky lithe-bodied people.

1. Work out in the morning

Starting your day with a workout helps you trim down faster, recent studies have shown. The studies revealed that breaking a sweat on an empty stomach during morning improves glucose tolerance and spurs the body to shed fat faster.

2. Savor your food

Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly can help you stay slim. Individuals who chewed their food at least 20 times before swallowing were found to have created more fullness hormones than those who ate faster, a study in metabolism revealed.

3. Drink more water

Drinking at least two glasses of water before each start of every meal was proven to be beneficial in shedding the pounds compared to those who do not drink water. Aside from water being a natural appetite suppressant, it also contains zero-calories and little sodium to make for a very refreshing drink.

4. Weigh yourself regularly

Dieters who weigh themselves regularly are able to keep track of any fluctuations in their weight, making them able to make adjustments in their diet and exercise routine whenever they needed to. This habit of spotting scale swings helps them stay at a stable weight as compared to individuals who fear of getting unto the scale.

5. Make it a habit

Eating at the same regular interval every day could help you drop the pounds by keeping your blood sugar levels in check so you don't get hunger pangs and food cravings in wrong times of the day. Experts believe that when we feed the body at regular intervals, we send a signal to the body that it doesn't have to store calories, thereby speeding up your weight loss.

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This Just In! 6 Do's To Lose Weight Fast

Looking for the hottest new ways to fight the fat? You may have heard of these weight loss ideas already even if they are fairly new, but maybe you have yet to give them a try. Please do! Not only are they so doable and insanely easy to follow, they are surefire, foolproof and guaranteed to help you lose weight fast and keep it off.

1. Do chew gum

Do not underestimate the power of one stick of chewing gum, because aside from research showing that chewing gum improves short and long term memory, a recent study showed that individuals who chewed gum for 15 minutes each hour between meals consumed 70 fewer calories than those who went gum-free.

2. Do drop the fizzy drinks

It's no secret that sugary and carbonated drinks are packed with a lot of empty calories and contain little to no nutrients at all. Even if it says sugar-free on the label, do not be fooled, as experts speculate the human brain cannot be tricked by these zero-sugar, zero-calorie beverages. These extra calories will always result in extra pounds.

3. Do gulp down some green tea

Re-think your drink and opt instead for some natural green tea. Studies show that aside from reducing physical and mental stress, drinking green tea helps in burning at least 80 calories daily, and also increases your body's endurance for exercise.

4. Do veggie-juice your way to health

Vegetable juice is about as filling as fruit juice without the unwanted calories. It's a surprisingly good way to supercharge any diet, as these juices contain very little calories while being packed with vitamins, minerals, nutrients and fiber, to control hunger and stave off food cravings longer.

5. Do get more sleep

If you want to shed lose weight fast, you need to get enough sleep. Getting too little sleep, or less than 6 hours nightly, prevents you from losing body fat efficiently. If you don;t get enough sleep as you diet, you will experience higher levels of hunger and make you struggle to adhere to your fitness regimen.

6. Do add more mushrooms to your diet

These earthy-tasting edibles may be appreciated for adding texture and flavor to your favorite dishes, but did you even know they promote weight loss as well?

A preliminary study found that these low-energy density mushrooms, when eaten in large quantities or as substitutes for ground meat in one meal per week, prevents and treats obesity by boosting the body's metabolism.

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Weight Loss Secrets From The Experts

When you're looking for tips to help you achieve the weight loss results you've been dreaming of, who better to ask then the experts? World-class, academically trained and highly qualified nutritionists and dietitians have been asked for the best weight loss tips they could think of, and has taken the liberty of compiling them into one, great read. Enjoy!

1. Spice it up with chili peppers

Hot peppers contain the fat-burning substance capsaicin, which not only gives the peppers their singing hot flavor, but also giving your brain time to process that it is full by slowing down your eating.

2. Say no to supersizing

It's pretty easy to overeat when you have a large meal set down in front of you, and that's why you should probably stick to your regular-sized meals. Not only does the brain not recognize the difference between the two meals, (you'll still feel full with the regular-sized meals) but you'll also be saving your body from unwanted calories and fat.

3. Keep a fast once in a while

Although this tip is something the experts do not recommend for weight control, they do acknowledge that weight loss fasting can break patterns of mindless eating to give your body time to flush the excess toxins out of the system.

4. Learn to say no to temptation

Learn to say no and mean it when someone offers you a second helping of Aunt Judith's moist chocolate cake. Announce you're on a diet, and even though you will get comments like "You don't need to go on a diet, dear, you look just fine!", making your diet public will only strengthen your conviction in sticking to your plan. Plus, making other people aware of it makes them more mindful about offering second or third helpings to you.

5. Eat at home more often

People who don't cook and eat at home tend to eat less healthy food and be heavier than people who do, reveals a study by the American Society for Nutrition. You'll not only keeping the pounds off, you'll be saving money as well.

6. Don't skip meals

Nutritionists and dietitians have been advising people not to skip meals for years, especially breakfast. Recent research done by British scientists have revealed that skipping meals sends a signal to your brain that whenever you see a high-calorie food, your reward center lights up vividly to urge you to indulge.

7. Try a bowl of muesli

To those of you who have never heard of muesli before, it's a cereal made from oats, fruit and nuts, with each ingredient linked to weight control and good health. It's rich fiber content makes it slow to digest, keeping you feeling full longer.

8. Enjoy the healthy oils

There's no need to fear the oils, especially the healthy fats like olive and canola oil. They're especially good for the heart and in lowering your bad cholesterol levels.

9. Have a glass of wine

Having a glass of red wine daily not only lowers your risk of acquiring a cardiovascular disease with it's rich antioxidant resveratrol content, but has also been proven to be extremely beneficial in burning fat cells and inhibiting fat formation. Red wine has many health benefits.

10. Eat when you're hungry

Don't eat when you're bored, stressed, depressed or lonely. Eat only when you're truly hungry, because you can't make food the only solution to your emotional problems. Find physically and mentally rewarding ways to relieve yourself of stress.

You should also check out the Frequently Asked Questions About Losing Weight Fast

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5 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Often

We all have off days, especially those mornings where you wake up feeling fat and sluggish. Need a little pick-me-up? Here are foods that will help you get rid of bloating. Not only will they perk you up to start your day, incorporating them into your everyday diet can do wonders to your physique as well.


These fruits, aside from being handy, are packed with potassium that helps inhibit the bloating effects of sodium on your body. Bananas are rich in all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for proper body functioning, and though they may be admittedly higher in calories and carbohydrates, mind you, these calories are mostly fat-free.

Dried Apricots

Apricots are great with any diet, because they are particularly rich in insoluble fiber, which absorbs water to prevent bloating, slows the release of the stomach's content, cleanses the digestive system and in addition helps you get rid of hunger.

Sweet Potatoes

Individuals born with a sweet tooth but desire fast weight loss can attest to the wonders of sweet potatoes. Not only are they fiber-rich to keep you feel sated for hours, they are naturally sweet without the added sugars, making them the perfect treat.


When consumed after a workout routine, the Vitamin C in oranges have been proven to zap at least 30 percent more fat. That's another benefit, aside from oranges containing vitamins that strengthen and boost the immune system and being rich in dietary fiber.


Yogurt, especially the fat-free variety has been proven to be beneficial in causing significant weight loss, weight management studies have revealed. Though the exact reason is yet to be determined, experts believe it is because of yogurt's rich calcium content, which plays a role in hastening the body's ability to burn calories and fats at a faster rate.


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Foods That Ruin Your Diet: Stay Away From Them

Even when it seems that you're doing all you can to keep the weight off-- regular aerobic exercise, core strength training sessions, eating more greens and cutting back on sweets-- the pounds just keep piling up and sticking around. What could you possibly be doing wrong?

Check your pantry and take note of the following diet-ruiners. They parade around grocery shelves disguised as 'healthy' foods, but you should know better. They do nothing for your body-toning desires.

Ready-made sandwiches

They may be attractive to the eye, but really, what you're paying for is the elaborate packaging. You're better off making a healthy sandwich of your own. These microwave sandwiches contain a whole lot of salt, fat and unnecessary food additives. Not good.

Mixed spices

Mixed spices, like the ones easily brought at the supermarket like seasonings and marinades may seem like a good buy because they contain a lot of spices, but really, they're not doing any good to your body. These mixed spices are loaded with sodium, which will cause you to bloat and be sluggish. 

Gourmet pre-cut frozen veggies

Just because they're vegetables doesn't mean they're super healthy for you. These frozen meals have a lot of added preservatives that contain zero to little nutrients and vitamins. Instead, prepare your vegetables at home to safeguard your health and ensure that you get the best value for your money.

Powdered fruit juices

These powdered fruit juices and iced teas may be a big hit with children, and that makes them so popular with parents, but these so-called fruit juices are rip-offs! They are packed with high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavorings and other sugars which don't help your diet at the very least.

Energy bars

Whether they say protein bars on the label doesn't mean they're good for you, these energy bars are calorie-laden, and are actually close to the calorie composition of candies and sweets. If you want to snack on something healthy, opt for a small packet of nuts instead. They fill you up, are less expensive, and do not hurt your quest for quick weight loss at all.


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Weight Loss Tips From Around The Globe

Some nations are slimmer than others. Whether it can be attributed to the varied cultures and lifestyles, it is the make-or-break of their weight loss success. has compiled 7 of the globe's best weight loss tricks and put them into one, easy read for your convenience.

So whether you choose to spice it up like the Malaysians, do Yoga like the Indians or eat breakfast like the Mexicans is all up to you. 

Use a bike more often

Cities and states with more sidewalks and bike paths tend to be slimmer than people living in locations where they rely on car transportation. In the Netherlands, people keep fit by swapping the gas pedal for the bike pedal. Not only does biking strengthen and tone the muscles of the quads, hamstrings and glutes, it also burns 550 calories per hour and boosts the immune system. 

Eat more curry

In Malaysia, they flavor their curry dishes with turmeric, which has the fat-burning substance curcumin. Researchers have found out curcumin plays a significant role in suppressing fat tissue growth .

Pickles are the answer

Hungarians like their food pickled, and it's no wonder they stay so slim. With pickled bell peppers, cabbages, cucumbers and tomatoes, the tart treats are flavored with vinegar, which scientists believe boosts elimination of fat from the body.

Do Yoga

Indians know yoga is good for it's stress-relieving and flexibility-improving properties, but experts have been publishing for years articles and books about yoga's amazing weight loss capabilities. Studies have shown that even though yoga is deemed a low intensity exercise, yoga practitioners generally weigh less than other exercisers do.

Make your breakfast your biggest meal

Mexicans eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and consume dinner like a pauper. This way, they refrain from consuming the bulk of their calories at nighttime to facilitate proper digestion and better weight loss control.

Talk a lot

This maybe one of the reasons French Women Never Get Fat, because the French excel in leisurely family meals. Studies have revealed that lengthy meals filled with laughter and talking encourage less eating, because conversation slows down speed of which you eat, giving your brain time to realize that it is full.

Sleep more

The Japanese are a nation of naturally thin people, because aside from always being-on-the-go, these individuals recognize the power of sleep in quick weight loss success. Lack of sleep triggers the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which makes people think they are hungry when in fact, all they need is some sleep.


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