Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 4, 2011

Quick Weight Loss Tips: The 3 Things YOU Should Know By Now!

Body fat can be amazingly stubborn at times, even when you think you're doing all that you can to shed off the extra pounds. Why not try an approach that really works? These are 3 of the weight loss tips you should have memorized and practiced a long time ago, surefire ways to tone your whole body and give you the physique you've always been dreaming of.

1. Be cool

When you feel frazzled and frantic, your stress hormone cortisol, increases production, which in turn leads to excess stomach fat.

In addition, being stressed makes it easier for you to mindlessly snack on junk food and other unhealthy stuff, which do nothing for your worries and only add an extra layer of fat around your body.

2. Get away from the whites!

Staying slim and losing weight quick is often achieved when one stays away from white foods. Foods rich in white starches are believed to make you retain weight and pounds. This is based on the principle that by eliminating starch and high-sugar foods from your diet, you will be able to lose weight at a faster rate.

3. Avoid late-night munchies

It is true that the human body cannot burn calories as efficiently as it can during the day,so the next time you get the cravings for a late-night snack, think twice. Would you really waste your 1 hour or so exhausting cardio workout earlier in that day just for a measly cup of ice cream? 

Finish all your meals at least 3 hours before bedtime, and when you're really hungry and distracting yourself just won't do, try to have a healthy 150 calorie snack of a medium orange or one banana. 

The Skinny

Remember that sometimes, the only one getting in the way of your weight loss success is yourself. Just because you find it hard to lose weight does not mean you won't be losing it ever. Because trust me, it is possible. Learn to start with small changes in your diet that you could gradually incorporate into your everyday living.

With this science-supported, nutritionists-backed multipronged approach to quick weight loss, not only will you notice definite changes in your body, your health will be thanking you as well.

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Fast Diet Tricks: 5 Weight Loss Tips From The Naturally Slim

Recent research shows that the more you pressure yourself to lose weight fast, the bigger your chances are of getting poor results. This comes as no surprise, because for effective weight loss to take place, it's the little, practically effortless changes to daily habits that make you drop the pounds surely and permanently.

It's no wonder how many dieters gain double the weight they lost as soon as they stop their strict diets, because when you restrict a particular food or food group, as in the case of extreme and fad diets, the more your appetite craves for it.

In this case, what we teach you will be simple, scientifically proven tips practiced by naturally slim individuals, in the hope that by incorporating these to your lifestyle, you will in turn become one of these lucky lithe-bodied people.

1. Work out in the morning

Starting your day with a workout helps you trim down faster, recent studies have shown. The studies revealed that breaking a sweat on an empty stomach during morning improves glucose tolerance and spurs the body to shed fat faster.

2. Savor your food

Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly can help you stay slim. Individuals who chewed their food at least 20 times before swallowing were found to have created more fullness hormones than those who ate faster, a study in metabolism revealed.

3. Drink more water

Drinking at least two glasses of water before each start of every meal was proven to be beneficial in shedding the pounds compared to those who do not drink water. Aside from water being a natural appetite suppressant, it also contains zero-calories and little sodium to make for a very refreshing drink.

4. Weigh yourself regularly

Dieters who weigh themselves regularly are able to keep track of any fluctuations in their weight, making them able to make adjustments in their diet and exercise routine whenever they needed to. This habit of spotting scale swings helps them stay at a stable weight as compared to individuals who fear of getting unto the scale.

5. Make it a habit

Eating at the same regular interval every day could help you drop the pounds by keeping your blood sugar levels in check so you don't get hunger pangs and food cravings in wrong times of the day. Experts believe that when we feed the body at regular intervals, we send a signal to the body that it doesn't have to store calories, thereby speeding up your weight loss.

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This Just In! 6 Do's To Lose Weight Fast

Looking for the hottest new ways to fight the fat? You may have heard of these weight loss ideas already even if they are fairly new, but maybe you have yet to give them a try. Please do! Not only are they so doable and insanely easy to follow, they are surefire, foolproof and guaranteed to help you lose weight fast and keep it off.

1. Do chew gum

Do not underestimate the power of one stick of chewing gum, because aside from research showing that chewing gum improves short and long term memory, a recent study showed that individuals who chewed gum for 15 minutes each hour between meals consumed 70 fewer calories than those who went gum-free.

2. Do drop the fizzy drinks

It's no secret that sugary and carbonated drinks are packed with a lot of empty calories and contain little to no nutrients at all. Even if it says sugar-free on the label, do not be fooled, as experts speculate the human brain cannot be tricked by these zero-sugar, zero-calorie beverages. These extra calories will always result in extra pounds.

3. Do gulp down some green tea

Re-think your drink and opt instead for some natural green tea. Studies show that aside from reducing physical and mental stress, drinking green tea helps in burning at least 80 calories daily, and also increases your body's endurance for exercise.

4. Do veggie-juice your way to health

Vegetable juice is about as filling as fruit juice without the unwanted calories. It's a surprisingly good way to supercharge any diet, as these juices contain very little calories while being packed with vitamins, minerals, nutrients and fiber, to control hunger and stave off food cravings longer.

5. Do get more sleep

If you want to shed lose weight fast, you need to get enough sleep. Getting too little sleep, or less than 6 hours nightly, prevents you from losing body fat efficiently. If you don;t get enough sleep as you diet, you will experience higher levels of hunger and make you struggle to adhere to your fitness regimen.

6. Do add more mushrooms to your diet

These earthy-tasting edibles may be appreciated for adding texture and flavor to your favorite dishes, but did you even know they promote weight loss as well?

A preliminary study found that these low-energy density mushrooms, when eaten in large quantities or as substitutes for ground meat in one meal per week, prevents and treats obesity by boosting the body's metabolism.

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Weight Loss Secrets From The Experts

When you're looking for tips to help you achieve the weight loss results you've been dreaming of, who better to ask then the experts? World-class, academically trained and highly qualified nutritionists and dietitians have been asked for the best weight loss tips they could think of, and has taken the liberty of compiling them into one, great read. Enjoy!

1. Spice it up with chili peppers

Hot peppers contain the fat-burning substance capsaicin, which not only gives the peppers their singing hot flavor, but also giving your brain time to process that it is full by slowing down your eating.

2. Say no to supersizing

It's pretty easy to overeat when you have a large meal set down in front of you, and that's why you should probably stick to your regular-sized meals. Not only does the brain not recognize the difference between the two meals, (you'll still feel full with the regular-sized meals) but you'll also be saving your body from unwanted calories and fat.

3. Keep a fast once in a while

Although this tip is something the experts do not recommend for weight control, they do acknowledge that weight loss fasting can break patterns of mindless eating to give your body time to flush the excess toxins out of the system.

4. Learn to say no to temptation

Learn to say no and mean it when someone offers you a second helping of Aunt Judith's moist chocolate cake. Announce you're on a diet, and even though you will get comments like "You don't need to go on a diet, dear, you look just fine!", making your diet public will only strengthen your conviction in sticking to your plan. Plus, making other people aware of it makes them more mindful about offering second or third helpings to you.

5. Eat at home more often

People who don't cook and eat at home tend to eat less healthy food and be heavier than people who do, reveals a study by the American Society for Nutrition. You'll not only keeping the pounds off, you'll be saving money as well.

6. Don't skip meals

Nutritionists and dietitians have been advising people not to skip meals for years, especially breakfast. Recent research done by British scientists have revealed that skipping meals sends a signal to your brain that whenever you see a high-calorie food, your reward center lights up vividly to urge you to indulge.

7. Try a bowl of muesli

To those of you who have never heard of muesli before, it's a cereal made from oats, fruit and nuts, with each ingredient linked to weight control and good health. It's rich fiber content makes it slow to digest, keeping you feeling full longer.

8. Enjoy the healthy oils

There's no need to fear the oils, especially the healthy fats like olive and canola oil. They're especially good for the heart and in lowering your bad cholesterol levels.

9. Have a glass of wine

Having a glass of red wine daily not only lowers your risk of acquiring a cardiovascular disease with it's rich antioxidant resveratrol content, but has also been proven to be extremely beneficial in burning fat cells and inhibiting fat formation. Red wine has many health benefits.

10. Eat when you're hungry

Don't eat when you're bored, stressed, depressed or lonely. Eat only when you're truly hungry, because you can't make food the only solution to your emotional problems. Find physically and mentally rewarding ways to relieve yourself of stress.

You should also check out the Frequently Asked Questions About Losing Weight Fast

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5 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Often

We all have off days, especially those mornings where you wake up feeling fat and sluggish. Need a little pick-me-up? Here are foods that will help you get rid of bloating. Not only will they perk you up to start your day, incorporating them into your everyday diet can do wonders to your physique as well.


These fruits, aside from being handy, are packed with potassium that helps inhibit the bloating effects of sodium on your body. Bananas are rich in all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients essential for proper body functioning, and though they may be admittedly higher in calories and carbohydrates, mind you, these calories are mostly fat-free.

Dried Apricots

Apricots are great with any diet, because they are particularly rich in insoluble fiber, which absorbs water to prevent bloating, slows the release of the stomach's content, cleanses the digestive system and in addition helps you get rid of hunger.

Sweet Potatoes

Individuals born with a sweet tooth but desire fast weight loss can attest to the wonders of sweet potatoes. Not only are they fiber-rich to keep you feel sated for hours, they are naturally sweet without the added sugars, making them the perfect treat.


When consumed after a workout routine, the Vitamin C in oranges have been proven to zap at least 30 percent more fat. That's another benefit, aside from oranges containing vitamins that strengthen and boost the immune system and being rich in dietary fiber.


Yogurt, especially the fat-free variety has been proven to be beneficial in causing significant weight loss, weight management studies have revealed. Though the exact reason is yet to be determined, experts believe it is because of yogurt's rich calcium content, which plays a role in hastening the body's ability to burn calories and fats at a faster rate.


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Foods That Ruin Your Diet: Stay Away From Them

Even when it seems that you're doing all you can to keep the weight off-- regular aerobic exercise, core strength training sessions, eating more greens and cutting back on sweets-- the pounds just keep piling up and sticking around. What could you possibly be doing wrong?

Check your pantry and take note of the following diet-ruiners. They parade around grocery shelves disguised as 'healthy' foods, but you should know better. They do nothing for your body-toning desires.

Ready-made sandwiches

They may be attractive to the eye, but really, what you're paying for is the elaborate packaging. You're better off making a healthy sandwich of your own. These microwave sandwiches contain a whole lot of salt, fat and unnecessary food additives. Not good.

Mixed spices

Mixed spices, like the ones easily brought at the supermarket like seasonings and marinades may seem like a good buy because they contain a lot of spices, but really, they're not doing any good to your body. These mixed spices are loaded with sodium, which will cause you to bloat and be sluggish. 

Gourmet pre-cut frozen veggies

Just because they're vegetables doesn't mean they're super healthy for you. These frozen meals have a lot of added preservatives that contain zero to little nutrients and vitamins. Instead, prepare your vegetables at home to safeguard your health and ensure that you get the best value for your money.

Powdered fruit juices

These powdered fruit juices and iced teas may be a big hit with children, and that makes them so popular with parents, but these so-called fruit juices are rip-offs! They are packed with high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavorings and other sugars which don't help your diet at the very least.

Energy bars

Whether they say protein bars on the label doesn't mean they're good for you, these energy bars are calorie-laden, and are actually close to the calorie composition of candies and sweets. If you want to snack on something healthy, opt for a small packet of nuts instead. They fill you up, are less expensive, and do not hurt your quest for quick weight loss at all.


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Weight Loss Tips From Around The Globe

Some nations are slimmer than others. Whether it can be attributed to the varied cultures and lifestyles, it is the make-or-break of their weight loss success. has compiled 7 of the globe's best weight loss tricks and put them into one, easy read for your convenience.

So whether you choose to spice it up like the Malaysians, do Yoga like the Indians or eat breakfast like the Mexicans is all up to you. 

Use a bike more often

Cities and states with more sidewalks and bike paths tend to be slimmer than people living in locations where they rely on car transportation. In the Netherlands, people keep fit by swapping the gas pedal for the bike pedal. Not only does biking strengthen and tone the muscles of the quads, hamstrings and glutes, it also burns 550 calories per hour and boosts the immune system. 

Eat more curry

In Malaysia, they flavor their curry dishes with turmeric, which has the fat-burning substance curcumin. Researchers have found out curcumin plays a significant role in suppressing fat tissue growth .

Pickles are the answer

Hungarians like their food pickled, and it's no wonder they stay so slim. With pickled bell peppers, cabbages, cucumbers and tomatoes, the tart treats are flavored with vinegar, which scientists believe boosts elimination of fat from the body.

Do Yoga

Indians know yoga is good for it's stress-relieving and flexibility-improving properties, but experts have been publishing for years articles and books about yoga's amazing weight loss capabilities. Studies have shown that even though yoga is deemed a low intensity exercise, yoga practitioners generally weigh less than other exercisers do.

Make your breakfast your biggest meal

Mexicans eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and consume dinner like a pauper. This way, they refrain from consuming the bulk of their calories at nighttime to facilitate proper digestion and better weight loss control.

Talk a lot

This maybe one of the reasons French Women Never Get Fat, because the French excel in leisurely family meals. Studies have revealed that lengthy meals filled with laughter and talking encourage less eating, because conversation slows down speed of which you eat, giving your brain time to realize that it is full.

Sleep more

The Japanese are a nation of naturally thin people, because aside from always being-on-the-go, these individuals recognize the power of sleep in quick weight loss success. Lack of sleep triggers the production of the hunger hormone, ghrelin, which makes people think they are hungry when in fact, all they need is some sleep.


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5 Of The Best Weight Loss Exercises Ever

Losing weight successfully and keeping it off entails so much more than a proper diet, you have to have regular physical activity, too. Hopefully, you've started being active many years ago. But if not, well, now is the perfect time to start!

These weight loss exercise suggestions all do wonders to the human body, not only by getting your blood going, your heart pumping and your breathing maximized. They also increase your stamina while strengthening, toning, and trimming the whole body.

1. Yoga

Yoga has gained popularity over the years as the number of celebrities and fitness gurus promote their efficacy in keeping the body lithe and trimmed.Yoga is not only a great stress-buster and flexibility-improving exercise, it's also a great way of losing and controlling weight. Studies have revealed that yoga practitioners generally weigh less than individuals who don't do yoga at all.

2. Walking

Walking is the ultimate go-to workout, not only toning your core, but also your gluteal, quadriceps and hamstring muscles. Plus, walking is very easy to do, not expensive at all and can be done anywhere. Hippocrates was totally right in saying walking is man's best medicine.

3. Cycling

Cycling offers low impact but efficient exercise. Not only is it a great cardio workout for both the lungs and the heart, it is also a good exercise for the upper and lower body muscles.

You work your legs from pedaling, you work your arms from turning, and your position and posture to maintain balance also aids in burning calories at an extra faster rate. 

4. Step exercises

Step exercises, which are basically aerobic workouts that utilize a raised platform or step, are great cardio workouts which make your heart pump faster and improves lung function by maximizing your ability to breathe.

Step exercises have positive effects on the mental health as well, alleviates stress and because the exercise is usually done in a group, also improves social interactions. Lastly, step exercises have the additional advantages of being low cost, recommended for all ages and having no restrictions.

5. Weight training

Weight loss isn't going to happen fast without strength training sessions. Contrary to popular belief, strength training does not make you 'bulk up', so you don't have to worry about looking like a bodybuilder anytime soon.

Rather, strength and weight training only makes you build lean muscle mass to burn fat. In addition, it also increases metabolism for fast weight loss, strengthen bones, elevate mood and mental health, prevent injury and boosts the libido.

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Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 4, 2011

Jason Statham's Diet and Exercise Routine: High Intensity Routines

English actor and diver Jason Statham is one hot movie star who became well-known internationally for playing the roles in the films’ Snatch, The Transporter and most recently, The Expendables. You’ll normally see him doing his own stunts in every film he does. Hence, you’d never miss seeing him in excellent shape in every role he plays and actually has lost 17 pounds for the new role he did. So how does he accomplish this?

 Jason-Statham.jpg“You must learn to be moderate in eating, and eat only enough to remain healthy, and fit for trance,” he shares.

Jason Statham’s diet involves eating six small meals a day with a total of 2,000 calories plus a lot of water. His diet actually contains a lot of healthy vegetables, lean meats such as chicken and turkey, fish, egg-whites, nuts, fresh fruit, yogurt, and a couple of protein shakes. Even his deserts are made from fat free yogurt with mixed fruit added for flavour. Furthermore, Jason Statham’s diet doesn’t allow any intake of bread, pasta, refined sugar or flour, sweets, and of course, alcohol.

For Jason Statham’s exercise routine, he starts with warming-up for 10 minutes which involves riding a bike, jogging, rowing, stretching, and the like. After which, he does 10 minutes of moderate-intensity training wherein he does a blend of different activities and never repeats the same routine. An example of his moderate-intensity workout involves the following:

  • A combination of light weight, high rep exercises
  • A combination of heavy weight, low rep exercises with compound movements such as Bench Press, Squats, and Dead-Lifts
  • A variety of medicine ball throwing exercises such as aggressively lifting the ball and throwing it on the ground.
  • A variety of kettle bell exercises such as swinging your arms with the kettle bells, lifting them over your head, etc.

During the end part of Jason Statham’s exercise routine, he does high-intensity interval training which involves doing 6 exercises that work out his entire body together with repeating the circuit five times. Again, he likes to keep this routine varied always and sometimes, even adds something new or different. He only allots 10 seconds to rest in between every exercise to keep his heart pumping and his blood circulation consistent. Below are examples of his high-intensity interval training exercises:

  • Pullups and Pushups
  • Rope Climbs
  • Bear Crawl
  • Farmer Walk
  • Front Squats
  • Weighted Step-Ups
  • Hanging Knee Raises

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Chris Brown's Diet and Exercise Routine: Fun and His Career Makes Him Fit

American R&B singer and dancer, Chris Brown continues to be famous for his excellent music which includes the hit songs like Run It!, Kiss Kiss, I Can Transform Ya, Forever, and a lot more. As undeniable one of the best entertainers in the world, Chris Brown certainly has managed to always look good when facing his fans. With his awesome talent, fit, and well-toned figure, he is obviously a star with real talents rolled in one. Here, Chris shares the reasons behind the amazing figure he has.

Chris-Brown.jpgChris Brown’s diet plan involves a calorie controlled diet plan which is one of the increasingly popular diet plans today as people are getting more conscious regarding their caloric intake. This diet plan involves keeping track of a seven-day eating plan the dieter typically eats and drinks throughout the entire day and week.

Chris Brown’s diet plan actually allows eating any foods as long as the caloric consumption in a day doesn’t go beyond the allowable caloric allowance.

For Chris Brown’s exercise routine, he dances and loves playing basketball. Dancing is obviously part of Chris’ daily routine as a performer which requires a lot of core strength and functional training together with compound weight training and bodyweight circuit training.

Furthermore, Chris Brown’s exercise routine includes some weight training and core strength training which is simple yet effective in attaining that 6-pack abs any man would want for themselves. On other hand, basketball also is an excellent exercise as it involves high jumps, quick turns, dodging and ducking that burns a lot of calories.

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Dannii Minogue's Diet and Exercise Routine: Weight Loss with No Stress

Sooner or later, it will not only be Kylie Minogue who will be well-known to have an excellent voice with sexy and well-toned figure. Her younger sister, Dannii Minogue continues to look great these days even after she gave birth to her son last year. She entered the entertainment industry in the year 1980 and since then continued to show her multitude of talents from singing, song writing, acting, fashion designing, and modelling.

Her current figure post pregnancy sparked curiosity among the public on how she was able to attain such a hot body so fast. Here, Dannii shares the secrets behind her weight loss success.

Dannii-Minogue.jpg“I know my body is completely different to what it was before but I don’t care,’ Dannii shares. ‘I loved being pregnant, I loved my body changing and my belly growing – it was amazing.”

Dannii Minogue’s diet involves the use of a healthy diet plan and most of the time includes raw foods. She loves drinking kale juice and eating apples as snacks in between calorie controlled meals and consumes a lot of healthy fruits and vegetables and lean meat. Her diet doesn’t allow her to eat any junk foods or fast foods at all. It also doesn’t have any cheat days unlike other weight loss programs.

Furthermore, Dannii Minogue’s diet doesn’t allow her to eat anything beyond 6pm. This is the time where she does her exercise instead of eating.

For Dannii Minogue’s exercise routine, she uses the PowerPlate to get her body in great shape. This vibrational plate exercise machine helps muscles to contract rapidly creating lean muscle mass. To put simply, this can effectively give you greater results in just a short period of time.

Dannii shares, "It didn’t take long after I started my sessions to see a visible difference and now I’m in the best shape ever.” She likewise added, "For me, it’s the quickest, easiest way to tone up and create a lean body. My friends have noticed the difference in how I look and it has made me look forward to exercising."

Studies have shown that Dannii Minogue’s exercise when used together with a healthy diet plan can help a person lose as much as 11% of the body weight.

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Seth Rogen's Diet and Exercise Routine: Chubby to Fit and Healthy

Canadian actor and comedian Seth Rogen is known to playing characters that makes us roll on the floor laughing. Some of his big screen hit movies are Superbad, Knocked Up and the 40-Year-Old-Virgin. He usually has that chubby character but that all changed when he played the main role in the movie The Green Hornet. The comedian actor has actually lost around 30 pounds which is why you’ll see him in great shape now. What did he do? Well, keep reading to know more.

Seth-Rogen.jpg“I lost for a role, but I don’t know if I’ll keep it,” Seth says. “That’s the big question. I have a lot of tantrums. I want my food. I cry for no reason.”

Seth Rogen’s diet involves the popular weight loss program made by Harley Pasternak, the Five Factor diet plan. This is a 5-week plan which promises to give you apparent results in just 5 weeks. It promises an easy and effective means for a person to naturally attain a healthy and fit figure.

Seth Rogen’s diet includes 5 meals a day that lessens his hunger and foods cravings. These meals will not only help him lose weight but will also make him feel less hungry all throughout the day. The ingredients of the meals can be seen on the diet plan’s official website. It can be prepared using 5 ingredients in just 5 minutes. Furthermore, it allows 5 cheat days within the 5 weeks that empowers the dieter to continue adhering with the program.

For Seth Rogen’s exercise routine, he works out 25 minutes a day for 5 weeks, still a part of Harley Pasternak’s weight loss regimen. His routine primarily combines strength training with cardio training in five five-minute intervals. Most of the time, the workouts are short but intense and were made to keep the individual motivated in doing the exercise routine. It simply needs two things when working out - a pair of dumbbells and a bench.

At the same time, Seth Rogen’s exercise routine concentrated more on reduction and fitness with some strength training to improve his figure. He actually did some of his own stunts in the film that’s why he needed a good amount of physical conditioning.

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The importance of counting calories for weight loss


Full knowledge about calories and how they relate to weight loss is essential. Some of us just go on dieting without thinking of how many pounds we have to lose or how to do it. Some diet plans even lay out numbers for you without considering what your recommended daily calorie intake is. Here are some guidelines on how to count your calories and optimally use it for weight loss.

Calories per se

A calorie is the commonly used unit of measurement to calculate how much energy a food contains. Our body utilizes calories to perform daily activities like work, studies, and other functions. In regards to weight, each individual needs a certain amount of calories to maintain it. Burning more calories or eating fewer calories will determine weight loss or weight gain.

Try this simple analogy of fuel for cars. The fuel sustains the car and supplies its energy. You have full authority on how much fuel you give to the car. If you give just enough fuel for the day, then you won’t have much fuel for tomorrow because there is nothing stored. On the other hand, if you give less, then the car won’t keep up with its mileage for the day. This is the only portion our human bodies differ from cars, we can actually decrease the amount of calories and by its mechanism the body gets other source of energy. Of course storing calories would mean weight gain and more storage of fats, thus producing belly fats. To consider weight loss, it is ideal to have a calorie deficit.

Knowing how much calories you need

There are actually ways on how to determine the number of calories you need for a day to either maintain or decrease your weight. The Harris-Benedict formula is a mathematical formula that helps you identify your Basal Metabolic Rate from the following factors: sex, weight and activity level.  There are other sources on how to calculate your ideal weight and they work by taking your current activity level and weight and give you suggestions on how much calories you need to take.

Once the number of calories to maintain your current weight is determined, you will find it easier to make some reductions. You may have a cut from 250 calories to 500 calories daily, as long as you don’t go below 1,200 total calories intake for the day. Going beyond the amount means more health risk.

Knowing how much calories a food item have

This is one purpose of the nutritional facts on your food items. It is important to read food labels and use it to modify how much you eat. Look for the Amount per serving in the label and take note of the calories. This is readily found in your packed foods and drinks. For most restaurants, they place their calories per serving on a brochure or in their website. Calorie levels for other standalone foods maybe taken from the internet as well; these include fruits, vegetables, or whole grains.

Knowing the portion sizes and calorie counts

This is important in order for you to eat the exact amount of calories you take for each food. You will have to know how to get “one serving” for the different food items. Some foods will require measuring cups to identify the serving size, take for example pastas and cereals, and fluids as well. Some are measured in tablespoons like jams, syrup, and honey. Margarines and other commercial products have a type of measuring rulers included in the package to help you get the portion size. Others are measured in number of pieces like candies, and number of slices for breads. Other foods are served in single serving size package. This means the whole package is worth the serving size. Tracking these down would help you get accurate amount of calories, in turn helps you take full control especially when preparing meals.

Lastly, have a journal

Taking note of all the common foods you eat and their corresponding calories on your computer or on a physical notebook would keep you on track.  Once you have these recorded, it would be easier to plan and to calculate how much you have eaten or will eat for the day. You can also take note of areas for improvement or list down foods that you would omit to maintain calorie deficit, and thus lose weight.

Make sure to have healthy food choices and go for foods that have less calorie levels but still packed with nutrients. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and lean meat. A well balanced diet along with proper calories monitoring may be your best ticket to weight loss.

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Weight loss made easy


A lot of people know that weight loss only means two things: eating less and exercising more. Though this may sound so easy, but doing the act itself may take more work than you ever expected. In fact, a great percentage failed to lose weight because they underestimated the work involved. This article will give you tips, particularly diet tips for easy weight loss.

Tip #1 lack of water causes water retention

The human body has a way to conserve energy during starvation modes. The same applies with water as the body conserves as much water as it can whenever it senses water deprivation. This often results to edema which will make you look bigger and adds more pounds to the scale. If you wish to treat water deprivation-related edema, you simply need to drink lots and lots of water to let your body know that it does not need to hoard water because constant supply is being replenished.

Tip #2 No stress; no craving

When the body is exposed to stressors, its normal physiologic response is to release a hormone called Cortisol. According to recent studies, Cortisol affects the hypothalamus (the satiety center of the brain). When this happens, your brain will prompt you with certain food cravings which could cause you to eat more than what your body needs.

Furthermore, Cortisol also plays a role in formation of belly fat because of its ability to move fat from a certain part of the body and deposit it around the abdominal area which is also called as visceral fat. Thus, avoiding stress is highly essential if you wish to maintain your diet and prevent unsightly belly fats and love handles.

Tip #3 Listen to your body

The best way to determine what diet suites you best is by listening to what your body tells you. There are times when the feeling of hunger sets in and your tummy has been making wild sounds. A lot of people has been interpreting this as hunger but if you try to listen closely, your body might just been telling you that a glass of water will do. There are a lot of instances when hunger and thirst are being misinterpreted, thus it is very important to listen to what your body tells you and spare some calories off.

Tip #4 Go on a negative calorie diet

Negative calorie diet is based on the principle that some foods may need more calories to process than the amount of calories that they actually contain. This goes true with some fruits and vegetables like lettuce which only accounts to one calorie per medium-sized leaf. The process of chewing, swallowing, digesting, and absorbing the vitamins and minerals found in a lettuce may require more energy than the actual calories a lettuce has, this phenomenon causes a calorie-deficit which will definitely help you lose weight.

Tip #5 stick with lean

Although a lot of people went vegetarian to lose weight, it is actually unnecessary. For meat lovers, you can continue eating meat – lean meat that is. Scrape of the fat and skip the skin and you’ll be on your way to a healthy weight loss journey.

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Rapid weight loss diets. Do they work?


Weight loss has become one of the biggest businesses these days. People from all walks of life have become so conscious with their looks that they are willing to go the extra mile just to get the body they want. The importance of catering to everyone’s needs has pushed the industry to come out with different kinds of diets, which were all designed with specific type of people in mind. If you are new to the world of weight loss, you’d no doubt want to lose weight in the fastest time possible. One of the options you might choose is going through rapid weight loss diets, which is very enticing indeed. Who wouldn’t want losing weight in a flash, right? While this sounds really great, it begs one important question—does it really work?

There are a lot of options when it comes to losing weight rapidly. You can go for the Atkin’s diet, the Grapefruit diet, the Russian Airforce diet or even a bread and butter diet. There’s a lot more, and you should have no problem choosing among them. When it comes to losing weight per se, these diets work- there’s no doubt about that. What you need to be concern about though is the effects they have in your body. Here are some reasons why experts don’t suggest going through the rapid weight loss route.


Fad diets, as how rapid weight loss diets are also called, are linked to a number of health risks. For one, these kinds of diets might lead to bulimia and anorexia. Since you are going to lose weight without waiting for your body to adjust, you may also experience loose skin as a result of the weight lost.


Much of the weight lost in this kind of diet is water weight.  This simply means you’d end up gaining the weight back when you get off the diet. For one, this will end up in a lot of frustration. People who have been losing weight this way are known to be jubilant when they shed off the pounds, only to get down with frustration when they end up going back to their original weight. Maintaining fad diets for a long time is dangerous, so going through it again is not recommended.


If rapid weight loss diets works, but are not recommended—what should you do? It’s simple. Lose weight the old and tested way. The first thing that you’d need to do is to pay your physician a visit. Some people are not really fit to go on a diet, so it’s best to have yourself checked first. Once your doctor gives you the go sign, choose the best diet and then change your lifestyle. Remember that following an eating pattern is not something you do for a few days—it needs to be incorporated to your lifestyle if you want to truly lose weight. There are a lot of diets you can choose from, but one of the best is the Mediterranean diet.

When it comes to achieving a sexy body, we always recommend doing it slowly—but surely. You’d be better off losing a few pounds a week, than going on a crash diet then end up gaining it all back after a few weeks. By losing weight the right way, you save yourself from a lot of frustration plus you get to maintain the body that you want and be proud of. Just remember to get a clearance from your doctor first, follow a healthy eating pattern, work out, and drink a lot of water.

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Best diet foods for weight loss


There are many ways to lose weight; there are those that may put your health at risk like surgery, weight loss pills, and fad diets and there are the so called “natural weight loss methods” like exercise and diet. Among all these weight loss techniques, nutritionists and fitness experts would agree that eating right is the best way to do it. So here are the best diet foods for weight loss.

#1 Oatmeal for breakfast

Oatmeal is known to be rich in fiber and is very good for the heart due to its ability to lower cholesterol. Furthermore, oats are heavy on the stomach which means a bowlful of it is enough to make you feel full for the whole morning. For this reason, you get to avoid unnecessary mid-meal snacks.

Although oats are carbs and low-carb diets are quite popular because of their ability to help you lose weight fast, recent studies reveal that people who consume whole grain carbohydrates are less likely to gain weight or develop obesity than those who are under a fad diet.

Tip: If you wish to maximize the benefits you’ll get from oats, serve a bowlful of oatmeal topped with fresh fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and apples. These fruits contain very little calories and are rich with essential vitamins and minerals. Also, try using oats instead of breadcrumbs when preparing meatballs or as breading for turkey and chicken. These are healthier and not to mention, tastier!

#2 Steak for lunch

Meat lovers will surely rejoice to hear that weight loss does not require you to limit your diet to fruits and vegetables only. In fact, eating meat –lean meat that is – is highly recommended because they contain high amounts of protein. Protein helps build the muscles, and the muscles help burn more calories, thus including lean meat in your diet will surely help you lose weight and may even give you some muscles to brag.

Tip: Frying lean meat would significantly increase the calorie content of the dish. So, instead of frying it, better grill or bake it with some aromatic herbs rub for that “oh so delicious” meal minus the calories.

#3 Vegetable and fresh fruit salads for dinner

This one is quite obvious because vegetable and fruit salads are almost always in a dieter’s list. However, do remember that not all salads are healthy. There are those that contain heavy salad dressings and some meat that could spike the calorie content of the dish to as much as 500 calories. In fact, a hamburger at McDonalds which accounts to 250 calories is a better choice than the McDonald’s Premium Southwest Salad with Crispy Chicken which contains 430 calories per serving.

Tip: When preparing a salad, use olive oil or lemon juice with a dash of salt and pepper instead of mayonnaise or any other heavy salad dressings. It will significantly decrease the calorie content of the dish.

The above suggestions, if done right, will surely help you lose weight fast. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water after every meal and as often as you can, this will help your digestive system and increase your metabolism for a more effective weight loss.

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Celebrity weight loss secrets


Celebrities set the standards of what’s hot and what’s not; they’ll define what’s the difference of “slender” and “anorexic” as well as the “fat” and a “sexy plus size”. Popular men’s magazine, FHM releases a yearly edition of 100 sexiest women in the world which tells the readers who has flaunted the best body every year. Let’s take a peak on who made it on the top 5 this year and learn their different celebrity weight loss secrets.

#1 Cheryl Cole

Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole was voted as the sexiest woman in the world for 2009 and 2010 because of her gorgeous body, brown eyes, long legs, well defined cheekbones, and her hair which underexposes her cleavage. But there is more to those refined features why she got the top spot, she also managed to shed off 150 pounds of useless flab.

How she did it? Well, aside from the fact that she had a little help when she was stricken by malaria July of this year, all the singing plus dancing during her on and off stage performances surely burned her lots of calories.

#2 Megan Fox

Transformer bombshell Megan Fox shares she’s under Vinegar diet. It is a popular diet in Europe where you drink raw apple cider vinegar. This diet is said to work as it suppresses the appetite as well as clean the digestive organs and speeds up one’s metabolism.

Fox needed to go really slender to fit in her Jonah Hex costume where she played as the gun-toting prostitute. However, she might have gone overboard that the producers of Transformer 3 need to let her go because she’s too thin to play the role of Mikaela Banes.

#3 Marisa Miller

Supermodel Marisa Miller who wore the “Fantasy Bra” on the latest Victoria Secret Show landed on the third spot in the list. Thanks to her genes, she has a natural slender physique but Miller’s body is also a product of her active lifestyle. She enjoys surfing, horseback riding, dancing and doing domestic stuff like laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking.

#4 Frankie Sandford

21 year old and member of the girl group The Saturdays, Frankie Sandford has the most amazing flat belly with tight muscles in the midsection. How she got it? Let’s take into account that The Saturdays perform at such intensity where they move, dance, and sing at the same time. Although she claims that she is not obsessed with exercise and enjoys every food that she can grab, dancing burns a lot of fat and tones the core naturally.

#5 Keeley Hazel

She is one bombshell with a cause. She posed nude for PETA in 2009 where she was quoted “I believe that killing animals for vanity is wrong.” Aside from her good heart, Keeley Hazel has a really gorgeous body. Her Secret? Living an active lifestyle. She did modeling, filming movies, album recording and a lot more. With her hectic schedule, she did not fail to make sure that she eats the right food and drink plenty of water.

Getting on FHM’s 100 sexiest women in the world list may be quite hard for most of us. But then again, it may be hard but it’s not impossible. Who knows, your face might be on the Year 20something’s sexiest women in the world.

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Best weight loss exercise for great results


There is no better way to burn off calories but to sweat it out through exercise. It may be hard, but this is one hard work that will surely pay off. Simply allocating at least thirty minutes to an hour a day for exercise could help you shed off those pounds in no time. This article contains the best weight loss exercises that will help you achieve great results.

#1 Stationary bicycle / spinning – vigorous

Stationary bikes are almost like the real bike only that it won’t get you anywhere. This is perfect for people who prefer to stay at home or would like to do something else while burning off some calories. With this equipment, you do not have to worry about missing an episode of Oprah or Grey’s Anatomy as you workout. Furthermore, this is ideal for people who are not used to exercising and to people who are very overweight because it has lesser impact which makes it a knee and ankle friendly equipment.

This exercise could help you lose 500 to 1000 calories/hr depending on how fast you go and how much resistance you put in it. And since developing a rhythmic pace is easier with stationary bikes, you’ll have better chance of burning more fats.

#2 Elliptical trainer

If problems with your knees, hips, back, and joints prevent you from working out, an elliptical trainer might be the best option you have. It has little to no resistance compared to the traditional treadmills and stationary bikes.

Most elliptical trainers come with a handle that provides upper body exercise making elliptical trainer a very effective cardio exercise that allows you to burn 500 to 800 calories/hr. Again, this depends on how fast you go and the resistance you put on it.

For more information read: Elliptical vs treadmill

#3 Step aerobics – high impact

Step aerobics can literally bring your calorie-burning workout to the next level. It makes use of a step or a raised platform about four to twelve inches high where you step up and down while alternating the leg used. You can do step aerobics with a music to improve your leg coordination and to make it more fun. With this alone, you can burn as much as 600 calories/hr.

For people with advanced skills, you may use dumbbells to incorporate upper body exercise. This technique could help you burn up to 800 calories/hr, making it an excellent cardiovascular exercise that could get your heart pumping up to the fat burning zone.

#4 Running

Whether you use a treadmill or do the actual run outside, running is definitely a good calorie-burner. Like any other exercise, the amount of calorie burned depends on how fast you go. If you are running as fast as 12mph, you’ll be able to burn as much as 1,521 calories per hour; 1,224 calories/hr at 10mph; 918 calories/hr at 8mph; 783 calories/hr at 7mph; 684 calories/hr at 6mph; and 576 calories/hr at 5mph.

Although running may seem the best calorie burning exercise, running a constant speed of 12 mph per hour to burn 1,521 calories is almost impossible, not unless you are a professional runner. The same thing goes with other workouts; the amount of calories burned will always vary due to the inconsistent speed as well as the body’s ability to adapt.

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Thứ Ba, 5 tháng 4, 2011

How to achieve permanent weight loss results


Permanent weight loss maybe something that many people dreamed about or wanted to have, but despite of the abundance of weight loss plans and programs in the market, the success rate remains small. One reason for this is the weight loss plan that people choose. In the majority of the cases weight loss diets and products have their focus on short term and not long lasting results. In achieving permanent weight loss results, you should be able to identify the factors that you need to improve and the factors that will help you lose weight and keep it off. It could be either a problem on your weight loss plan or it could be mainly because of you.

It’s your choice

Weight loss is a goal that most people take for granted. They think that anyone can lose weight by using some moderate or extreme measures. This is one common misconception that makes weight loss even harder to achieve. A person who is willing to lose weight should have the determination to make the decision and be devoted to it until the end. Like any successful journey or any success story, a person must have strong commitment and willingness in order to reach their goals. This is technically the first step one must overcome. Right now you should make this decision and proceed if you really want to lose weight.

Find a plan that works for you

With the hundreds of plans out there, what plan could work best for you? The answer is actually none. No plan will help you unless you make it your very own and use it for long term basis. We are talking about permanent weight loss here. All those famous diets or weight loss plans that claim rapid weight loss indeed offer results (some of them and not all), but most people can’t stick to them for long term. This is because they are usually accompanied by negative side effects and people just quit and lose their hope.  What you need to have is a plan that you can follow, that you like and can stick to it. Good plans that can be used long term are those that involve healthy eating and activities. You don’t have to be a vegan to do so, in fact there are a lot of nutritious and savory foods and diets out there, Mediterranean diet is one to mention.

A plan that is safe

Rapid weight loss focuses on either diet restrictions, or replacements and supplements. Most of them are associated with a lot of health risks. A fast weight loss diet cannot be used for long term results due to the adverse effects it creates later when you stop the diet. Nevertheless, if you have created your very own diet, or if you have selected a diet that you think is safe, it is best to still contact your doctor and inform him all about it. You would like to have a plan is safe and also good for you.

A plan that offers result

You should of course choose a plan that would yield results. The best way to have results is to go for slow and gradual weight loss. Since we are talking about permanent weight loss, you should go for a diet that will help you decrease your calorie intake gradually and at the same time give you ideas on how to burn more fats.

Don’t be afraid of failing

Most people don’t achieve permanent weight loss results since they readily give up when they fail. Right now, you should know that failure is a natural thing to happen. But not reaching your goals is not necessarily a good thing as well. The way to achieving permanent weight loss would vary and surely there would be inconsistencies and changes all the time. The best way to handle this is to adapt to these changes and learn from it in times of failure. That is why with commitment to your weight loss goals, you will develop your very own weight loss plan that would be effective enough, and that could easily adapt to change.

Basically permanent weight loss results would require some permanent changes and improvements in your lifestyle. You can choose a plan or create a plan on your own. You have the freedom to do so, just make sure that you stick with it and make sure it is guaranteed safe.

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What’s wrong with gaining too much weight?


We talk about weight loss all the time, how about talking about weight gain instead?  Well, as we know weight loss maybe a major trend, but do those individuals who have increased weight really mind? A lot of Americans never even bother to make an effort on losing weight. Why is that? Is gaining weight any good?

Actually body fat is good for everyone, its main purpose is to protect internal organs, it helps in isolating bacterias  thermically, and it can soften physical external blow. Good fats are needed by the body as well to promote energy and also offer protection and vitamins along with it. In regards to obesity though, it is quite different. Obesity can cause great health risks and should be treated like a disease that needs attention and treatment.

Obesity is a condition in which excess fats in the body have accumulated above the average and this changes the body’s appearance and may create adverse effects on health. BMI obese threshold is usually around 30 kg/m2, once you get higher you are already obese and at risk of health conditions like, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, breathing difficulties, osteoarthritis, and even cancer. Most people usually blame genes and other conditions like endocrine problems for their weight, but the fact is that it is commonly caused by a combination of: too much dietary calories, stagnant or lack of physical ability, and a bit of heredity. Also conditions like slow metabolism may also play a big role. People with a slow metabolism eat less but they still gain more, though they expend more energy by just maintaining an increased body mass.

Well if you think about it, obesity may not be that bad. What is important is to have regular checkups and make sure that you are ready to take action to reverse such a condition.  Most people who are having great issues with obesity may be discouraged to actually make the start and lose weight. A lot of factors may be pointed out, but the most common are: lack of faith and a negative mind set. But just like any person who aspires to lose weight, all of them have equal chances. Below are few simple tips that may help you jump start your weight loss journey.

Since too much weight may cause strain on the base muscles and bones, you can start having small brisk walks which are done intermittently with rest periods. 10 minutes would be good enough, and do them every now and then to reach a total of 30 minutes (or more). The problem with people having these issues is that they resort to stagnant activities, like sitting in front of a computer or staying at home watching TV all the time. It is better to be more active and enjoy the sun. You can play outdoor sports with friends, hang out, and generally anything that keeps you moving.

Small diet changes may be needed for now, one quick reminder though is that you should never use any rapid weight loss methods when your BMI is 30 and above.  Go for small but frequent meals and add some fiber coming from fruits and vegetables. Try to minimize fast food products, processed foods and other foods having too much salt and sugar. Water is the best beverage and no other else. That’s about it.

In total it is good to increase your weight only when you really need it (growing up, because of a disease) and if you are on to forming your body. But gaining way too much weight would always be bad, just like all things, too much and too less of everything is bad.

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How to tackle common weight loss problems


Today we are bringing together a number of problems or issues with people who have undergone weight loss.  These are common problems that truly affect them. These problems have been there for ages, and those who aspire to lose weight have over time encountered at least one or two of them.

Unfortunately a lot of individuals give in to these problems and eventually give up on their weight loss plan. Depending on how you view it, we can say that there is nothing wrong with the strategies by taking the view that the challenges we encounter along are just simply tough.. The question now is, “how can one tackle common weight loss problems?”. Let’s check them out.

Fear of Exercise

Have you heard of that? Some people actually fear or loathe exercise, but since exercise is part of the plan they must carry on. What they do though is to skip sessions, or even totally give up on that part of the plan. Of course, you are only setting yourself up to fail. Fear of exercise is based around our thinking. Pre-programmed thoughts lead to you to think that exercise is tiresome, is hard, is painful, requires time, and has little effect. All of these negative thoughts serve to generate lack of action and a feeling of malaise.  So what you need to do is to accept the importance of exercise and to appreciate the beauty of it, instead of fearing it.

Experience exercise and feel it. Sometimes we haven’t really tried working out and yet we are already complaining!  Keep in mind that exercise gives you more energy and more strength. Some people do exercise to help them stay awake and keep active, so exercise has benefits that you can feel, and of course that includes weight loss. To appreciate the beauty of it, there is no need to visit the gym. Instead focus on small exercises that you can do at home.  A brisk walk perhaps or a simple leg raise is good. Try to do them at your own pace, don’t go beyond your comfort level, just go steady. Soon enough you’ll see  and experience the benefits.

The wrong concept of dieting

People starve themselves to lose weight or sometimes skip breakfast. Some people also change diets drastically. Others think that supplements are enough or fad diets are the best. All of these will definitely not help you.  When it comes to dieting, a balance approach is  needed and there are actually some good practices to follow.

Skipping meals or starving is not a good idea at all. It slows down metabolism and gives you less productivity. Additionally today everything is created as being simple and fast,  but this development is not beneficial to dieting. These kinds of diet will only slow you down and build up a lot of calories. The best diet  consists of low calories and high fiber. They may come from complex carbohydrates in fruit and vegetables, good oils, protein, etc. These form the optimum diet plan, so using  fad diets or supplements will not give you significant results.

Remember that you are no superman and that applies to changes in your diet. So lower calorie intake or a change in your preferred diet should be gradual as this way you’ll be able to manage  the change. If you try and hasten matters along you have a high chance of failure. So go slowly and steadily.

Lack of motivation

Lack of a weight loss motivation is a common factor in why people fail. Understand that motivation will not always be present. That’s why you will have to find ways to keep yourself motivated. A good way to do it is to have a friend to constantly remind you. He, or she, may share the same endeavors that you have, so you can both give advice to each other. Other ways include ensuring you entertain positive thinking that all will right in the end. People worry so much about their weight that they end up doing nothing about it.  They have wasted all their time worrying. That’s why you should focus on small things that makes you happy and make  you feel good. It could be a small goal to reach such as  joining 5km runs or similar. In fact, to keep active with regular exercise is one way to motivate yourself and obtain relief you from stress.


Lastly a common issue is boredom. Boredom is a very great time for temptation. You may eat, or you may slouch around etc. When you are bored you are prone to these things. The best advice is to stay active and yourself occupied. Never allow yourself to be placed in a lonely or boring position for a long time. Keep going, move about and reach out to your goals.

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The ultimate list of fat burning foods


Everyone’s wondering which are the best fat burning foods for weight loss. Well guess what, we have prepared a list of these foods which will greatly satisfy your needs. Take a good look at it and don’t forget to mark your favorites! You also view the handy table of the best fat burning foods at the end of the article for easy reference.

Peppers and Garlic

Peppers (Jalapeno, habaneros, and cayenne) are said to help increase metabolism, and help burn more calories. You can add them as your regular spice and flavorings and they can help you reduce fat at the same time. You can also add garlic in your meals as it is good in reducing fatty deposits in the body as well.


Almonds help you burn off calories and assist in stabilizing your blood sugar level, which may take hunger away. Some of them carry a lot of calories so you may need just a couple of them a day (see the tablet at the end of the article for more information on the calorie value of nuts)

Low fat milk

Drinking low fat milk may help you burn fat. A glass of milk in the morning will help you strengthen your bones and also burn fat faster. Milk or calcium rich products which include yogurt and some types of cheese, helps break down fat cells so overall fat is reduced. Calcium is also found in some veggies like broccoli and cabbage as well.


Fish meat from salmons or tunas are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which aid in regulating blood sugar levels and also it contains high level of leptin, a hormone that controls appetite and promotes fat loss.


Eggs are rich in protein, amino acid, and vitamins that include vitamin b12, which plays an important role in burning fat. If you worry on the egg yolk then you can safely remove it from your meal and have fewer calories and still receive vitamin B12

Green Tea and Coffee

Green tea will boost metabolism and speedup the fat burning rate. Also it is a good source of antioxidants which helps prevent certain types of cancer. Caffeine from coffee can speed up your heart rate, which means you can also burn calories faster.

Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the main components of Mediterranean diet and is good for your cholesterol. This means that it can keep a good cholesterol level in the body by taking away fat or bad cholesterol, which is why it is considered a good fat burning food.


Soybeans are rich in lecithin. A chemical which protects the cell from accumulating too much fat and it also helps in the break down of fatty deposits in the body.


Oats and other similar food items are rich in fiber.  Fiber is a main component of weight loss foods that allows more calories burned just by the digestion process, while it offers very few calories for the body. It is a perfect negative calorie food.

Lean Meat

Lean meats such as beef or turkey are rich in protein and good for muscle building. Protein is also hard to digest and your body burns calories just by the process of digesting it. When you are currently doing strength training exercises, protein will help boost metabolism and burn more calories. The reason behind is the fact that by having more muscle mass there is a greater need for energy thus the body will burn more calories to get it.


Honey unlike refined sugar, contains vitamins and minerals, which plays a role in dissolving fat and cholesterol.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C or fruits rich in citrus burn fats by liquefying fat and easily allow it to flush out of the system.  Foods that are high in vitamin c are: apples, berries, broccoli, cabbage etc.

Apples and Berries

Apples and berries contain pectin, which restricts the amount of fat the body cells can absorb. This allows a discharge of fatty deposits so it leads to natural weight loss. Also the detoxing effect of some fruits like raspberries, strawberries and red currants help boost metabolism.

Fat Burning Foods – Fruits

Generally of course, fruits and vegetables are a good source for nutrients and vitamins and are generally considered fat burning foods. Here is a concrete list of fruits and vegetables that are quite effective in fat burning.

The top of the line fat burners are blackberry, melon cantaloupe, raspberry, guava, lemon, rhubarb. These are the best fat burning fruits but other fruits which are also effective include:  apricot, blackcurrant, clementines, damsons, grapefruit, honeydew Melon, peaches, mandarin orange, plums, strawberry, tangerine, watermelon, apples, cherries, cranberries, honeydrew, lemon, limes, mangoes, nectarines, pears, pineapple, prunes.

Fat Burning Foods – Vegetables

The top of the line fat burners from the vegetables family are: aubergine, cabbage, celery, chicory, cress, cucumber, fennel, gourd, lettuce, marrow, radish, tomato while the other good fat burners are asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, leek, peppers, spinach, turnip, beets, Brussels sprouts, corn, chives, cod, eggplant, green beans, kale, leeks, lettuce, mushrooms, okra, onions, papaya, parsley, peas, pumpkin, sauerkraut, scallions, squash, tangerines, tomatoes, turnips

Fat Burning Foods by Type

Here is a quick list of the major fat burning foods with additional info about the calories they contain and fat percentage.

Food TypesSpecific Food itemsFat percentage (estimate)Calories (average)
FruitsApples, banana, apricots, berries (black, boysen, rasp), cherries, citric fruit (oranges, grapefruit, lemons), currants (black, red, white) damsons, figs, grapes, greengages, tropical fruit (kiwi, pineapple, guava, papaya), pears, peaches, satsumas, star fruit1% to 3% with some exceptionsApple 95

Apricot 30

Avocado 150

Banana 107

Blackberry 1

Cherry 2.4

Clementine 24

Grape 3

Grapefruit 100

Kiwi 34

Lemon 20

Mango 40

Honeydew Melon (wedge) 36

Cantaloupe (wedge) 25

Nectarine 25

Olive 6.8

Orange 35

Peach 35

Pear 45

Pineapple 50

Plum 25

Prunes 9

Raisin 5

Raspberry 1.1

Strawberry 2.7

Tangerine 26

Tomato   9

Cherry Tomato 2

VegetablesAsparagus, aubergine (egg plant), beetroot, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, chicory, Chinese cabage, endive, artichokes, green beans, leafy vegetables (lettuce, fresh herbs, watercress), leeks, mangetouts, onions, seaweed, sprouting vegetables (alfalfa, cress, raddish), squash, swede, tomatoes, turnips1% to 3% with some exceptionsAsparagus 26

Aubergine 15

Beetroot 38

Broccoli (100g) 32

Brussels Sprouts 40

Cabbage 24

Carrot 32

Cauliflower 32

Celery 8

Chicory  10

Courgette 20

Cucumber 10

Leek 22

Lettuce 13

Marrow 10

Mushroom 15

Okra 30

Onion 35

Pumpkin 12

Radish 13

Spinach 23

Sprouts 43

Corn 24

Tomatoes 18

Turnip 21

Watercress 21

Unsalted and unroasted NutsAlmonds, Barcelona nuts, chestnuts, coconuts, filberts, hazelnuts, macadamia, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, walnuts30% to 40% may reach 75% if you take salted or roastedAlmond 610

Brazils nuts 679

Cashew nuts 615

Chestnuts 175

Coconut 626

Hazelnut 659

Peanuts  570

Peanut Butter 630

Pine nuts 694

Pistachio nuts (with shells) 340

Walnuts 690

Lean meatBeef, pork, lamb, veal, venison, hare, offal4% to 15% (lean with no fat area) average is 20% to 30% reaching to 85% depending on preparation and partsPork Chops (grilled) 340

Pork Leg (roast) 290

Veal fillet (roast) 240

Hare 155

Rabbit 187

Venison 200

PoultryChicken, turkey, grouse, guinea fowl, pheasant20% to 35% may reach to 100% if fried or with skinLamb Chops (grilled) 368

Chicken Calories (average) 140

Duck (roast) 330

Goose (roast) 350

Partridge (roast) 250

Pheasant (roast) 250

Pigeon (roast) 24

Turkey (roast) 165

FishCod, haddock, plaice, sole, coley, whiting, mackerel, trout, red salmon, tuna4% to 10% lean fish meat, higher with fish oil and fatTuna 90 to 156

Salmon 100 to 180

Cod, steamed 9

Trout, baked 100

Sea foodScallops, shrimp, prawns, lobster, crab, scampi, cockles, mussels, winkles, whelks, abalone10% to 20%Scallops 95

Shrimp 90

Lobster 80

Mussels 80

Cockles 50

Abalone 9

Low fat dairy productsSkim milk, low fat cottage cheese and fromage frais, cheddar, yogurt, calcium rich milk10% to 20% might reach to 5% for skim milkCheese 110 cals (25g)

Cheddar reduced fat 130

Cottage cheese 49

Cream cheese 200

Fromage frais 125

Milk skimmed 95

Milk whole 175

Yogurt natural 90

Yogurt reduced fat 70

EggsBarn eggs5% for egg white, may reach as high as 85% for egg yolkEggs ( 1 average size) 90

Eggs fried 120

Soya productsProtein rich from meat, beans, milk and dairy products10% to 20%Milk Soya 90
ChiliesJalapeno, habanero, cayenne1% to 3%Peppers red 18
TeaGreen tea0 to 5%0
Whole grainOats, bread, cereals, wheat bread10% to 20%108 cal/ oz
HoneyPlain honey, unprocessed honey1 tsp 22
CoffeePlain coffee, black coffeeFat free if without sweeteners/ add-onsInstant coffee 1 to 4
OilsOlive oil, peanut oil, garlic oil, canola oilMay reach to 100%Olive oil 1900
SoupPreferably common soup with low fat20% to 25%Average soup 60 to 90

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Anthony Hopkins' Diet and Exercise Routine: Age-Defying Secrets

Welsh legend and actor Anthony Hopkins, best known for playing the role as Hannibal Lecter in “Silence of the Lambs,” continues to be one of Hollywood’s most popular celebrities. Other box office films by Anthony Hopkins are The Lion in Winter, Magic, The Elephant Man, 84 Charing Cross Road, Dracula, Legends of the Fall, The Remains of the Day, Amistad, Nixon, and Fracture. Even at the age of 73, he still looks much younger than his age and much slimmer and healthier too, as he lost 80 pounds. What are his secrets? Here, he shares how he achieved sucha massive weight loss success.

Anthony-Hopkins.jpgAnthony shares, “I got tired of being heavy, so I went on a really good regume of eating healthy and exercising for an hour a day. I’m not a nutty, macrobiotic kind of guy, but I enjoy being alive.”

Anthony Hopkins’ diet involves the classic low sugar diet otherwise referred to as the low GI diet. This kind of diet plan doesn’t consume any bread, biscuits or cookies, and cakes. Anthony actually loves eating bread and can even eat it the entire day. But he claims that this is one of the reasons why people put on a lot of weight.

He also added, “My wife's no dictator, but she said I must stick to a regimen. So I'm in the gym six days a week, I power walk, live on 800 calories a day. No pasta. No seconds. A sandwich occasionally. Now I'm a health nut. I can't get back into my wardrobe. I gave it all away to some mission. I tried tailoring the pants but they look ridiculous.”

For Anthony Hopkins’ exercise routine, he hits the gym 6 days a week. His routine actually includes power walking which is a simple activity but is regarded as very effective. After Anthony has been relatively inactive in a few years, he doesn’t have enough strength or flexibility either to do a wide range of exercise routine. However, he does power walking as it is very natural to do. He may either do this using a treadmill with maximum incline or perhaps do it within their neighbourhood.

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Gavin Henson's Diet and Exercise Routine: The Hunk Athlete

Welsh rugby union player Gavin Henson has certainly became a popular player in the United Kingdom and is now an internationally-recognized athlete. He gained media attention as a member of the Welsh team achieving Grand Slams during the Six Nations Championship held last 2005 and 2008. Known for his spikey hair together with boots painted gold and silver, Gavin understands that he has to adhere to top-quality nutrition and a regular physical workout to stay always in shape so he can perform at his best as one of the players.

Gavin-Henson.jpg“Strict diet, early mornings, a lot of gym time, a lot of relaxation, massages etc and of course structured team training with both the Ospreys and Wales,” says Gavin regarding her weekly routine.

Gavin Henson’s diet, as he generally describes is somehow strict. He stays away from anything that can keep him from staying healthy, strong, and prepared for any of his games. Some foods not allowed in his diet are as follows: chocolates, cakes, takeaways, plus any foods that contains sauce, crisps and chips.

For Gavin Henson’s exercise routine, it primarily includes activities for muscle definition and strength building. Generally, he works his entire body and keeps his routine varied always ensuring that he doesn’t over train himself and that he is able to build every part of his body. for strength and power, he does weight lifting in the rep range 5-8 or 8-10 reps per set with 3 sets per exercise for every workout.

Furthermore, plyometrics is also part of Gavin Henson’s exercise routine which is a dynamic bodyweight exercise that assists in building power and stability. Here are some of the activities included:

  • Box jumps – this is the basic plyometric exercise for rugby. Simply stand in front of a box and jump up onto it with both feet together
  • Step ups – these are done on a bench, alternating each leg while holding a weight (often dumbbells).
  • Jump downs and turns – starting from a bench you jump down in a straight line and then as soon as you land you jump again, turning 90 degrees to one side and jump forwards. Alternate from left to right
  • 180 degrees bench jumps – start on a bench and jump off and turn 180 degrees before landing. Then jump back onto the bench and jump off the opposite side, turning 180 degrees again.

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Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 4, 2011

Best weight loss exercise for great results


There is no better way to burn off calories but to sweat it out through exercise. It may be hard, but this is one hard work that will surely pay off. Simply allocating at least thirty minutes to an hour a day for exercise could help you shed off those pounds in no time. This article contains the best weight loss exercises that will help you achieve great results.

#1 Stationary bicycle / spinning – vigorous

Stationary bikes are almost like the real bike only that it won’t get you anywhere. This is perfect for people who prefer to stay at home or would like to do something else while burning off some calories. With this equipment, you do not have to worry about missing an episode of Oprah or Grey’s Anatomy as you workout. Furthermore, this is ideal for people who are not used to exercising and to people who are very overweight because it has lesser impact which makes it a knee and ankle friendly equipment.

This exercise could help you lose 500 to 1000 calories/hr depending on how fast you go and how much resistance you put in it. And since developing a rhythmic pace is easier with stationary bikes, you’ll have better chance of burning more fats.

#2 Elliptical trainer

If problems with your knees, hips, back, and joints prevent you from working out, an elliptical trainer might be the best option you have. It has little to no resistance compared to the traditional treadmills and stationary bikes.

Most elliptical trainers come with a handle that provides upper body exercise making elliptical trainer a very effective cardio exercise that allows you to burn 500 to 800 calories/hr. Again, this depends on how fast you go and the resistance you put on it.

For more information read: Elliptical vs treadmill

#3 Step aerobics – high impact

Step aerobics can literally bring your calorie-burning workout to the next level. It makes use of a step or a raised platform about four to twelve inches high where you step up and down while alternating the leg used. You can do step aerobics with a music to improve your leg coordination and to make it more fun. With this alone, you can burn as much as 600 calories/hr.

For people with advanced skills, you may use dumbbells to incorporate upper body exercise. This technique could help you burn up to 800 calories/hr, making it an excellent cardiovascular exercise that could get your heart pumping up to the fat burning zone.

#4 Running

Whether you use a treadmill or do the actual run outside, running is definitely a good calorie-burner. Like any other exercise, the amount of calorie burned depends on how fast you go. If you are running as fast as 12mph, you’ll be able to burn as much as 1,521 calories per hour; 1,224 calories/hr at 10mph; 918 calories/hr at 8mph; 783 calories/hr at 7mph; 684 calories/hr at 6mph; and 576 calories/hr at 5mph.

Although running may seem the best calorie burning exercise, running a constant speed of 12 mph per hour to burn 1,521 calories is almost impossible, not unless you are a professional runner. The same thing goes with other workouts; the amount of calories burned will always vary due to the inconsistent speed as well as the body’s ability to adapt.

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Celebrity weight loss secrets


Celebrities set the standards of what’s hot and what’s not; they’ll define what’s the difference of “slender” and “anorexic” as well as the “fat” and a “sexy plus size”. Popular men’s magazine, FHM releases a yearly edition of 100 sexiest women in the world which tells the readers who has flaunted the best body every year. Let’s take a peak on who made it on the top 5 this year and learn their different celebrity weight loss secrets.

#1 Cheryl Cole

Girls Aloud singer Cheryl Cole was voted as the sexiest woman in the world for 2009 and 2010 because of her gorgeous body, brown eyes, long legs, well defined cheekbones, and her hair which underexposes her cleavage. But there is more to those refined features why she got the top spot, she also managed to shed off 150 pounds of useless flab.

How she did it? Well, aside from the fact that she had a little help when she was stricken by malaria July of this year, all the singing plus dancing during her on and off stage performances surely burned her lots of calories.

#2 Megan Fox

Transformer bombshell Megan Fox shares she’s under Vinegar diet. It is a popular diet in Europe where you drink raw apple cider vinegar. This diet is said to work as it suppresses the appetite as well as clean the digestive organs and speeds up one’s metabolism.

Fox needed to go really slender to fit in her Jonah Hex costume where she played as the gun-toting prostitute. However, she might have gone overboard that the producers of Transformer 3 need to let her go because she’s too thin to play the role of Mikaela Banes.

#3 Marisa Miller

Supermodel Marisa Miller who wore the “Fantasy Bra” on the latest Victoria Secret Show landed on the third spot in the list. Thanks to her genes, she has a natural slender physique but Miller’s body is also a product of her active lifestyle. She enjoys surfing, horseback riding, dancing and doing domestic stuff like laundry, grocery shopping, and cooking.

#4 Frankie Sandford

21 year old and member of the girl group The Saturdays, Frankie Sandford has the most amazing flat belly with tight muscles in the midsection. How she got it? Let’s take into account that The Saturdays perform at such intensity where they move, dance, and sing at the same time. Although she claims that she is not obsessed with exercise and enjoys every food that she can grab, dancing burns a lot of fat and tones the core naturally.

#5 Keeley Hazel

She is one bombshell with a cause. She posed nude for PETA in 2009 where she was quoted “I believe that killing animals for vanity is wrong.” Aside from her good heart, Keeley Hazel has a really gorgeous body. Her Secret? Living an active lifestyle. She did modeling, filming movies, album recording and a lot more. With her hectic schedule, she did not fail to make sure that she eats the right food and drink plenty of water.

Getting on FHM’s 100 sexiest women in the world list may be quite hard for most of us. But then again, it may be hard but it’s not impossible. Who knows, your face might be on the Year 20something’s sexiest women in the world.

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